September 22, 2010


No, it's not my birthday today... but this is my birthday dress!
WIW 09/22/10
Dress: Thrifted. Vintage.
Belt: Black/Braided/Thrifted
Shrug: Bright green, soft & comfortable. Bought on clearance at Old Navy years ago.
Shoes: Clearance Walmart special.
Glasses: Cat eye perfection from SEE Eyewear

I bought this dress last year to wear on my birthday. Do you ever buy a special outfit to wear on a special day? I do this for pretty much any holiday: Christmas, Easter, my birthday, my boyfriend's birthday, etc. I blame this on my mom. She always bought my sister and I new outfits for each holiday - and I'm talkin' down to gloves (not the winter variety) and hats. I've always been quite the girly girl.
WIW 09/22/10

I actually bought an amazing chunky vintage necklace to go with it but left that lady out today considering I was wearing the bright green shrug with this. The necklace has a lot of red in it and I didn't want the outfit to end up looking over the top.
WIW 09/22/10

Can you believe these shoes came from Walmart? I bought them a few years ago when I found them on their shoe clearance rack. I want to say I paid $7 for them but I'm not 100% sure on that.

And with that I bid adieu to summer! I figured that wearing one of my favorite vintage sleeveless dressed would be appropriate for one of the last few days of summer. Are you sad to see summer go? Personally, I'm not. Fall is my favorite season - I say bring on the sweaters and the boots! Bring em on!


  1. omg I LOVE YOUR GLASSES!!! and that dress is so retro, I love it also! what a fab look :) xx

  2. Hi Katie, You look so cute in your "Un-Birthday" dress. Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving a comment. Great to "meet" you!

    Warmly, Michelle

  3. Oh goodness, I'm fairly in love with your shoes! So cute and classic, and I really can't believe they're from Walmart! That dress is just adorable; it fits you wonderfully, and the pattern is so much fun!

    Special outfits are the best! My mom used to make my sister and I our yearly "Easter dresses", and I remember how excited I always was to finally wear mine! Alas, no longer.

  4. Oh goodness, I'm fairly in love with your shoes! So cute and classic, and I really can't believe they're from Walmart! That dress is just adorable; it fits you wonderfully, and the pattern is so much fun!

    Special outfits are the best! My mom used to make my sister and I our yearly "Easter dresses", and I remember how excited I always was to finally wear mine! Alas, no longer.

  5. ack!!! i love your glasses!!!! i need a new pair, so i'm looking at everyone else's :)

    i have a pair of sunglasses from SEE, which i love, but there's not one near me.


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