June 6, 2011

Memorial Day In Detroit

Oh, hey, blog. Long time no type. Last week was a busy week for me so I stepped away from the computer for a bit to get my head on straight! :) It's time to play a little catch up today and show you what I did and what I wore on Memorial Day.

Memorial Day 2011
Denim Shirt: Blue Asphalt, Thrifted, $1.40
Plaid Romper: The Limited, Thrifted ages ago
Blue Sandals: Payless, last summer
Vintage Pins: Inherited from my grandma
Glasses: SEE Eyewear
Purse: Coach (vintage), Thrifted, $4 (yes, seriously, $4)

Now, here's the thing. I've owned this "romper" for probably two years now. I've never worn it prior to this day. Why, you ask? I have a love/hate relationship with rompers. (By the way, I HATE the word romper. It sounds like something you would wear as a toddler.) I have found quite a number of adorable, vintage rompers at the thrift store but none of them ever seem to fit me as I swear I have the world's longest torso. I had the same problem shopping for leotards for my ballet classes years ago. Nothing is ever long enough for me and is therefore completely unwearable due to discomfort and unflattering business going on.

This is the first romper that has come close to being comfortable... though I'm still not sure if I am completely on board with it yet. I really like the plaid and the color, though, so I keep giving it a try. Well, this is my first actual attempt. What do you think? Also, I think this is the shortest thing I have ever shown myself wearing on this blog. Yay for nobbley knees? :)

Memorial Day 2011

Two of my latest favorites from the shoe box full of jewelry I inherited from my grandma - These two vintage pins. Again, as I've said before, I don't ever remember her wearing these nor can I imagine her wearing anything like these but I supposed she probably owned them or wore them during the years they were popular... which was some time either before me or before I would remember what she wore anyway. Never the less, I always like the idea that she held onto them for a reason - maybe they were a sweet little gift from my grandpa or maybe she wore them to something and had a memorable time? Who knows. They're adorable any way you slice it.

Also fun? Having a great time hanging out with my boyfriend in Detroit. We packed a picnic lunch and strolled the RiverWalk.

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day 2011
That's my boyfriend giving me a mini Michigan history lesson while checking out this sign. He's into things like that. :)

I hope you guys had a great week last week!


  1. You look sooo adorable! I hardly even recognized you with your hair pulled back but it looks really, really cute!

  2. So cute and festive! I also struggle with the romper, but it's because I have to pee a lot. haha!


  3. Oh my gosh, Freeda, YES! I didn't even think about that fact until I drank a huge iced tea and was sweaty...... pulling off a sweaty romper to pee? Not fun. Ha ha! :)

    Meagan, you are so sweet! I can believe I managed to put it back... I had to do it while it was A) still wet, B) had some gel in it, C) a lot of pins and D) hair spray on top. But it was back! :)

  4. That happens to me often! I'll have an item of clothing and I won't wear it for a long time... even years! So, it's technically "new." The outfit looks darling on you... very picnic chic!

  5. I love that tied shirt over your dress! You look so cute!


  6. Your outfit is so cute, I love the denim matched with red and white.

  7. I drink WAY too much water to be able to wear a romper but it looks really cute on you!

    Mo / stufffast.blogspot.com

  8. I love your glasses :)

    Monique xx


  9. I agree, the word romper is terrible! Luckily, you look much cuter than the word sounds. So glad you yanked this thing out of your closet!

  10. I had to comment bec we def agree on romper love-hate relationship. I own a romper but havent worn it once yet. lol

    You look great in it, should wear it more often :)

    xo Nav

  11. Great pictures! you look lovely, you have a great blog! please check out my blog and follow if you like, I promise to do the same! xx

  12. I love this outfit! very cute
    xoxo asiahlynn


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