March 2, 2011

22/30: The Outfit That Didn't

So, I woke up late today. Stumbled around to get ready. And then the terrible stomach ache I dealt with yesterday afternoon hit again. UGH! Not sure what the situation was but I can tell you I did not feel well whatsoever. So, this is what I was about to wear to work today before I called in sick...

22/30: The Outfit That Didn't
Skirt: Peter Popovitch, thrifted, $1.50
Gingham Dress (shirt): Old Navy, $15, Old Navy outlet store
Purple Tights: ??
Boots: Franco Fortini, eBay, OLD
Belt: Target, clearance rack
Bracelet: Inherited from my grandma
Glasses: SEE Eyewear

A little bit of a lumberjack mix, if you will. I threw in some purple tights just to throw you off a bit - not that you can see them. I always envision this skirt being shorter though I've worn it a zillion times.

22/30: The Outfit That Didn't

I bought this belt two years ago as part of a Halloween costume. (I was dressing as Rachel Zoe, if you're wondering.) And when I say I bought it as part of a Halloween costume, I mean I purposely bought it as "part of a Halloween costume" because I really just wanted it. Don't act like you don't do this! :) I think it was only around $9 but I just couldn't justify a $9 belt I would only wear here and there unless I had a specific purpose for it. The Halloween costume filled that purpose.

P.S. Ignore the fuzzies on my skirt. They come by way of the Snuggie I was wearing. Don't worry, I changed into pajamas soon after this. Much more suitable for Snuggie wearing.

22/30: The Outfit That Didn't

This is quite possibly my most treasured bracelet. I inherited it, along with lots of other pieces and her actual jewelry stand, from my grandma. I would love to tell you a story about remembering all the great times I had with my grandma while she was wearing this bracelet but I honestly don't have one. I don't ever recall seeing her wear this and I honestly can't imagine her wearing this - it isn't something I would have ever expected coming from her... but I think that that is what makes it so special and interesting to me. It's clearly a vintage piece, obviously most likely from the 1970s... why did she keep it all those years and never wear it? Who was it from and where did she wear it? What did she do while wearing it? I love imagining the places it might have gone with her and that is good enough for me.


  1. Oh, I hope you feel better soon! And it's so sad you were sick because this is such a great outfit. I love the black & orange. :)

  2. What a beautiful bracelet. And I'm still laughing about the Archives top :)

  3. Great deals and the look works for you.

    I couldn't even see the purple tights.

  4. What a really pretty bracelet....regardless of the story behind was hers..and now its yours:)

    Hope you are feeling better now!

  5. Great vintage! Love the length of your skirt, nothing like a plaid shirt and black combo! Great blog!

    <3 Cess O.

  6. Feel better! This was a winning outfit while it lasted!

    The Auspicious Life

  7. i've been seeing the girly lumberjack look around lately and i am totally sold on it! your "rachel zoe" belt is the perfect addition!

  8. I love your grandma stories! :) And, your outfit. It is to die for. You should rewear it tomorrow so that your coworkers can witness your awesomeness!

  9. Love the length of that skirt...never would have thought but it looks great!

  10. This post really touched me. I just recently lost my grandmother as well. Like you I received some treasured pieces to remember her by.

    Love that skirt on you and hope you're feeling better!


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