January 20, 2014

Let's talk hats...

Disclosure: I was provided with a MakerWear hat of my choice and Target gift card in return for my honest opinion of the product and brand. Opinions expressed are always, always my own. The compensation received will never influence my content.

Can we talk about hats for a minute? I feel like they are popping up everywhere on everyone's heads… and I'm not talking just for warmth purposes. (Although the past few weeks here in Michigan have been FRIGID. I'm sure many of you can relate.) I'm talking wide brim hats, I'm talking beanies with fancy details, I'm talking baseball hats. I'm especially talking baseball hats.

Growing up, my favorite hat was a deep, bright pink felt hat that had a black ribbon around it. Very much a girlie-girl, I was never into the baseball caps my older brother wore on a daily basis. Back then, they didn't exactly have a wide variety of baseball caps for girls who weren't interested in sports teams. Nowadays, there are so many more choices and I am loving them...

Photo Credit: Garance Dore, Chic City Fashion, J. Crew, Waiting On Martha

I've been gathering some quoteunquote intel on some of my favorite ways others have worn a baseball hat and I am coming to the conclusion that I like mine with a side of feminine touches. Soft leather, full scarves, cuffed sleeves, and amazing statement earrings? Yes, yes, and yes please!

So I was itching to get a hat of my own when Ellen of Thrifty and Chic Mom contacted me asking if she could introduce me to MakerWear - it was kismet! I'm loving the design I picked out and can't wait to show it off to you tomorrow, but let me tell you a little about the MakerWear  folks first.

MakerWear  is powered by the people - as in, the best designs get made and the designer gets a cut of the sales. They call it "curated crowd sourcing" and I love it! Anyone can become the next designer and what the people want gets made. Underground artists get a voice. New ideas come to the forefront. It's a whole new way of bringing new fashion ideas to market.  The hat's tag really sells that idea home:

Right now you can check out all their current designs on their website and can buy the designs in select Target stores. I'm delighted that my favorite mass merchandiser is carrying this brand and hope that more of their stores will start to as well - if you're wondering if you can find them in your neck of the woods, you can use their handy dandy "find your nearest store" tool to find out.

And you know what else is cool? They're currently looking for a face for their revolution… yep, you could be their cover girl! Their model search begins today, January 20th, and runs through February 9th. If you win, you will not only be their cover girl but you'll also have a $1,000 Target gift card in your hand. And, I'm just sayin'… there's a lot you could do with a $1,000 Target gift card. ;-)

Come back tomorrow to see which design I selected and how I wore it… till then, are you into rocking the baseball hat? Which MakerWear design can you see yourself wearing?


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