January 14, 2014

Knock, Knock! Anyone there?

Guys, it's been ages. Is anyone out there!? Hello, can you hear me? :-) While I've been away, I've been keeping up with everyone via all our social media avenues… but I have been missing my blog something fierce! I miss sharing my good deal alerts and frugal outfits. I miss Winning Wednesday posts!

Here's a little dose of what I have been up to since you last heard from me here...

BOUGHT A HOUSE IN JULY! I call it my Christmas-in-July gift! Best ever! :)

Wore lots of dots… don't act surprised!

Finally bought new glasses… um, five pairs to be exact. These are from Zenni Optical.

Thrifted like a mad woman… psst, this cost $2.10!

And went back to school to study Small Business Administration!

That being said… my plate is pretty full but I am excited to add this as an extra slice to it all. I have some new outfits coming soon, an exciting new hat line to share with you, a new layout to roll out and lots of fashionable giveaways to carry on Winning Wednesdays! See you soon!


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