August 8, 2011

Case of The Mondays (10/30)

It's Monday and I'm dealing with a serious case of The Mondays.

30x30 Summer 2011: Case of the Mondays (10/30)
Yellow Top: Old Navy, Thrifted, $2.99
Zebra Dress: Mossimo, Thrifted, OLD
Belt: Thrifted, $1.00
Necklace: Claire's, OLD
Shoes: Mossimo, Thrifted, $3.40

Despite my Mondays, I still made the effort to photograph my outfit today - which I promised myself I would do all week no matter how non-Fashion-Frugality I felt. :) My camera also apparently had a case of the Mondays because it kept switching settings on me WHILE my timer was set. Aye carumba. Like her job is that hard - take a few outfit photos every once in a while... c'mon, girl, get your stuff together.

Today officially begins my countdown to the... drumroll, please... YARD SALE TRAIL! Yes, indeed! My family has indulged in this delightful shopping excursion every year since, hmmm, I think 2005! Did I ever tell you my parents love yard/garage/whatever-you-call-it-in-your-neck-of-the-woods sales? I didn't just happen upon my frugal ways on my own, folks.

So, that being said, FOUR days till yard sale heaven! Stay tuned for more info such as: my yard sale shopping tips, finds from past yard sales along the trail and this year's list of what I am looking for!

Do you yard sale?


  1. The thought of Friday is consuming my whole brain. I can't even wait. I wish we were going tomorrow!!

    LOVE this outfit. Is the shirt fluorescent?! I love how daring you are! Can I hire you as a personal pattern/color mixing stylist? My wardrobe needs a shot of funk lately :)

  2. That sounds like fun! I have never heard of it and I have lived in Macomb County pretty much my entire life. Too bad my husband is going up north this weekend.


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