January 2, 2010

Here's to frugal fashions in 2010!

I meant to begin this in August of 2008. Yes, I seriously signed up for a blog in the summer of 2008 and it has sat here ever since.

If there is one thing you should know about me before we begin, it's that I am a procrastinator. There, I said it.

So, here's the deal: I want to do this. I really want to do this. One of my New Year's "resolutions" was to actually begin this Fashion Frugality thing so here I am and here she is. We're working together right now... you might see some dust and you might see some wonkyness but eventually we are going to get it just right and then you will see some very frugal fashions. :)


  1. Do it!! Do it!! Blogging is so fun and totally worth the time and effort! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. You go, girl!

    It does take a real commitment, but it is so much fun. There's always room for one more blogger with a point of view.

    Looking forward to your future posts!

  3. Oops! that comment from Chuck was actually from me. Somehow I was signed in under my husband's name. But, I am sure that he would agree with what I said!

  4. I am looking forward to it.

  5. yay! u should really keep it up if you enjoy it :)


  6. Looking forward to it! Thanks for visiting my blog! :0)

  7. I hope that you do keep it up! I love fellow bloggers who are deticated to fashion on a budget like myself! :)

  8. good luck with the blog!

    thanks for entering my giveaway, good luck! xo Niki


  9. its been 2 weeks. dun dun dun... and no posts... dun dun dun... hehe.


    and you already have 9 comments with no posts!

  10. Very exciting. I'm trying to spend less money, and pay off everything this year. I'm looking forward to reading.

  11. Thanks for signing up for my giveaway at Mark it with a B! Good luck!

  12. yeah!! Keep it up! I want to see more of this frugaaalllnesss lol <3

  13. hey there! i hope you do this blog. I'm looking forward to it. love the title! good luck!

    check out this awesome giveaway on my blog where you can enter to win a $25 gift card to spend on clothes and accessories!


  14. Anything fashion I love to read ! You go girl

  15. Katherine, glad you joined in Friendly Friday. Looking forward to reading more on your blog! :)

  16. Thanks for you very nice comment on my blog! And when you get going on this blog let me know! I love frugal fashion ideas! -Kelsee


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