I hardly meant to abandon Fashion Frugality but she took quite a bit of a back burner while life got lived and a wedding got planned and a new job got started over 2016.
That being said... uh, I don't mean to sound braggy, but my 2016 was actually quite kickass in a kickass awesome kind of way. But we will get to all of that on a different day. Today I want to talk a little bit about how I set a creative goal for myself for this 2017 year.
I set a creative goal (resolution? plan? I don't care what you want to call it but I like the word goal because I feel like it has more aim to it) for 2017 because I feel like life has gotten awfully non-creative. I used to have such a blast taking photos to share on Fashion Frugality, I mean... really many of them were pretty awkward and hilarious... but it was fun! I didn't care if they were magically beautifully epically edited with gorgeous backgrounds and fun locations. I just took photos! Of my style! Of frugal fashion! It was what it was and it was fun.
... why did that stop?! Seriously, why?
So, I asked myself that question a lot lately and I realized I really didn't have a good answer. Sure, things like buying a house, moving, planning a wedding, OMG PLANNING A WEDDING STILL TIRED JUST THINKING ABOUT THE PLANNING, and jobs all got in the way but... that's all just everyday things (ok, mostly) that happen to everyone. Why did I stop making time for fun, creative things?
So, yeah, I'm making time again. And I'm bringing along a new friend for the ride...
She doesn't have a name yet so feel free to throw out suggestions. Perhaps I
should name her Mauve after the carpet in our bedroom/closet that came with
our house? It's growing on me...
Honestly, I have to give a Cabi stylist that I found on Pinterest credit for the mannequin idea. I'm pretty sure I immediately re-pinned five zillion images of outfitted mannequins after I found the first one. Guys, it's like seeing a mannequin styled in a J. Crew store or an Anthropologie window display. I loved it! Why didn't I think of this before?
I don't have someone who can take photos of me on a whim in perfectly sunlit hours any day or time of the week. Often, the weather here in Michigan is drab during the winter and it is dark hours before I get home. That photo lifestyle just never worked for me and left me feeling frustrated and defeated when I didn't have the photos taken that I wanted to share. A simple fix of someone new like Miss Mannequin up there allows me to take photos when I have time and... while I am personally still in pajamas. That's creative happiness right there.
Another creative goal of mine for 2017 is working on my photography skills and getting to know my camera better. I've had it for years now and I have never taken the time to hone any real skill to using it.
So here's to a creative new year and bringing back some frugal fashions to this here blog of mine!
Like the look above? It is 100% secondhand items! GAH! That makes my frugal fashion soul so happy. I've linked to similar items below so you can recreate it if you like but never forget the treasures that thrift stores hold. It's so easy to find these items secondhand too!